Itch Relief by Mirror Scratching
For this assignment, I decided to choose the winning study for the 2016 IG Nobel Prize for Medicine. For those of you who do not know what they are, the IG Nobel Prizes are parodies of the Nobel Prizes, that are held every year in Oslo, Norway. Every autumn are given 10 prizes to unusual or trivial achievements in scientific research. This idea was first organized by the humour magazine Annals of Improbable Research , in 1991, with the aim to “honour achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think”, they wanted to celebrate the unusual, honour the imaginative and stimulate the interest of everyone for science, medicine and technology. The name IG Nobles , is a play on the words ignoble and Nobel Prize, the pronunciation used during the ceremony is IG-noh-BEL . Some of this past year’s winners include " Effect of Different Types of Textiles on Sexual Activity. Experimental study ," by Ahmed Shafik, winner of the Reproduction Priz...