Dear colleagues,
The article I have chosen for this post is one that I find quite interesting related with "Childhood and Adolescent Obesity" in Spain. Here I leave the link just in case you would like to read a little bit about this topic:

The reason why I have considered childhood obesity is because it is and illness much more important and prevalent than the majority of population thinks. During the last ten years I have seen how obesity has become more and more evident in schools and high schools. Not in my generation but in people born in 21st century it is something terribly common.

In the article it is said that the prevalence of obesity and overweight in Spain is a 26,3%, which I find a really alarming percentage. Moreover, the peak of age is between 6 and 13 years. It is also mentioned that there are more children with this problem in places like Andalucia or Canarias rather than in the north of the country, could it be a relation between the climate and the diet people is used to follow? The study explains that the prevalence is higher in children not used to have a complete breakfast and with lower socio-economic and educational levels, what do you think according to that?

In relation with the causes, do you think parents are the main liable of their children's diet or that TV and the rest of media have a great influence in children's lifestyle? There are a great number of companies fighting against childhood obesity, do you think could it be reduced in the next years or that, nevertheless, it will continue increasing?


Lidia Lago Iglesias

Monday, 20th March 2017


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