Ritalin abuse

Hi everyone,

I´ve chosen this article because from my point of view, nowadays we are overusing drugs. I found this a good opportunity to discuss it. In this link, you can read about this study. It shows prevalence and factor related to Ritalin abuse among Iranian Medical College Student and how can affect an application of Theory of Planned Behaviour:

Ritalin is a derivative structurally related to amphetamine, which is used to treat ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). The aim of this drug is to make patients focus and think more clearly. Nevertheless, it causes some problems such as overuse; not only by people who need it but also by people who want this kind of effects to be more concentrated. It can have serious side effects including nervousness, insomnia, anorexia, loss of appetite, changes in the pulse, heart problems, weight loss and, the most important for me, addiction. 

The article shows prevalence and factor related to Ritalin abuse. It was carried out on 385 college students of Kermanshah University of medical sciences based on theory of planned behaviour. It says that positive attitude toward Ritalin use was mediators for promoting effectiveness of the Ritalin abuse. On the other hand, preventive programs among college student, promotion negative attitude and increasing student’s information of the serious side effects of this abuse, may be useful in a way to prevent it. What is your opinion about health professional’s influence? Do you know someone who has ever use this drug?

Self-medication is a problem current society is suffering. We, as medical students, tend to diagnose and self-medicate because of our feeling of being prepared enough. In my opinion this is a big mistake, due to the fact that, as medical students, apart from having responsibilities with medication, we also must be aware of the issue that could appear with a bad use of our knowledge. Therefore, I would like to know what do you think about this, and how could we solve it.


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